Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"It's bucket season!"

That was the cry of a very excited preschooler in one of my programs lately. It is indeed bucket season. That time of year when the forest starts to thaw out and the maple trees begin to come alive again. The time of year to make maple syrup.

This is my favorite time of year. The air is crisp and everything smells so earthy. I love that smell. It is so very fresh. Plus, I love maple syrup. What joy to go stomping through the woods looking for buckets full of sap. I love the anticipation of not knowing how much is going to be there. Are we going to be able to boil soon or not? Plus, I love to sit down in the sugar shack with a roaring fire and watch the sap bubble. I just know that something good is going to come from it all. I can't wait to taste it.

I think maple syrup programs are my favorite because of the excitement of the kids. They love to run from bucket to bucket to find the next surprise. If this one is empty, it's on to the next one. The run with wild abandon through the brush. Half the time they fall down because they aren't paying attention to where they are going. They are so focused on the next bucket and what might be there that what is beneath their feet is of no concern. So, sometimes we come out of the woods wet and muddy, but it is always certain that we had some fun.

I hear a lot of complaints about the weather this time of year. We get one warm day and everyone thinks it should stay that way. Well, this is Minnesota and that is just not the case. Spring is not all green grass and flowers blooming in perfect borders along the sidewalk. You would think that people who had lived in Minnesota for any length of time would understand that. Spring is unpredictable. I love that about spring. You never know if it's going to rain or snow or be sunny and clear. Personally, I prefer the snow. I love a good March storm. We haven't had one yet and I can't believe we are going to escape the month without one. Something must be brewing. Spring is what it is and I love it. It's exciting and adventurous. If you want every day to be the same, move to San Diego. If Spring were any different, there would be no maple syrup.

And then I would have to eat corn syrup on my pancakes. YUCK!

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