Monday, May 4, 2009

The electric green of spring is here! The grass has a neon glow about it and the fields of dandelions are vibrant in the bright spring sun. I'm one of the few people who actually like dandelions. My girls get so excited about them and I love it when they bring me huge bouquets of them. They don't care that the flowers wilt within 12 hours. The joy is in the bright yellow happiness of the flower itself. I love the color that they add to the yard. There is just something a bit too sterile about a large expanse of shorn down green. I don't think I could ever buy a house on a golf course.

I have found something besides a crocus! Not that there is anything wrong with crocus - I do love them. But, the every hardy violets are in bloom as well. I love violets. When the violets appear, you know that spring is here for good. They add happy little dots of color across the landscape if you know where to look for it. Sometimes you can miss them, but I always know where to find them. The lilacs are budding and will be out soon. That has to be one of my favorite smells. I could sit all day beneath a lilac bush and just enjoy the fragant calm that they bring.

I was fortunate enough to catch a lovely sunrise the other day. As summer approaches, the sunrises are coming quite early. The quietness of an early sunrise is a wonderful way to start the day. The birds that sing at this time of morning create a symphony of sound that is matchless. Unfortunately, none of them were posing for pictures today. I followed a woodpecker, but he was too high up in the tree to be seen clearly.

While away at a women's retreat this weekend, I got to spend some time in woods. I love the quiet stillness of being alone in the woods. The calm that it can bring to life is truly amazing. Especially in the morning when the air is cool and crisp. Spring air is the best air. It is certainly the eaisest to breathe and the most refreshing. I took some pictures at the River wood Inn in Otsego (the sunrise was there) and some in Dayton. There is something marvelous everywhere you go so get out and enjoy the spring air.